Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lily Allen:::It's Not Me, It's You

:::I have lukewarm feelings for Lily Allen's new album, "It's Not Me, It's You." I absolutely LOVE just about every song on "Alright, Still" and consider it one of my soundtracks to college. Her sophomore effort is definitely download-worthy, but lacks the catchy hits like "Smile" and "LDN." Kind of more laid back and toned down. Though there aren't any super fun songs you can really rock out to when you're, say, getting ready to go out or on the beach, the production is great and pretty original. The lyrics are def more mature as well - she's done some growing up. I really like "The Fear," but considering that was the first single, you can already tell there aren't going to be a ton of radio-friendly songs. "22" is probabyly my favorite. Here's the video for her newest single, "Not Fair." Cute vid, and she looks fab!

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